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注册时间: 2020-09-01
最后登录: 2024-09-06
0楼  发表于: 2023-10-16 00:32

英文笑话 没事还能学习口语

壮阳迷药  情趣春药  火淫忍者  真实速约  私密约炮  性奴小舞  成人游戏  亚博赌场  多宝体育 
热门黄游  手机看片  在线看片  调教女优  成人漫画  淘京影院  三国争霸  海德赌场  皇冠体育 
  A Girl Just Like Mother

No matter which girl he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice.

“Find a girl just like your mother—then shes bound to like her.

So the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl.He told his friendly adviser:

“Just like you said, I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed, and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her”

“So,”asked the friend,“what happened?”

“Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her!”






壮阳迷药  情趣春药  火淫忍者  真实速约  私密约炮  性奴小舞  成人游戏  亚博赌场  多宝体育 
热门黄游  手机看片  在线看片  调教女优  成人漫画  淘京影院  三国争霸  海德赌场  皇冠体育 
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